Hochberg Laboratory for the Study of Invertebrate Diversity
Examples of past student dissertations, theses, and projects organized by Phylum
Phylum Rotifera
Characterization of extracorporeal tubes in Rotifera (Gnestiotrocha): origins, ultrastructure, and chemistry - PhD Dissertation: Dr. Hui Yang
Structure and nanomechanical properties of resting eggshells in Rotifera - MS Thesis: Stephanie Meyer
Comparative myoanatomy of of collothecid rotifers (Rotifer: Gnesiotrocha: Collothecidae) with details on larval metamorphosis and development of the infundibulum in species of Stephanoceros - MS Thesis: Adele C. Hochberg
Fine structure of the integument of the social parasite Acyclus inquietus and its colonial hosts Sinantherina (Rotifera) - MS Project: Sarah Dhimitri
Nuclear maps of rotifers with a focus on the germovitellarium - MS Project: Steven Shelley
Scanning electron microscope studies of Lacinularia flosculosa and Epiphanes chihuahuaensis (Rotifera) - MS Project: Brittany Egan
Scanning electron microscope studies of species of Keratella and Polyarthra (Rotifera) from a New Hampshire pond - Honors Project: Brandon Ruckus
Ornamentation and fine structure of rotifer eggs as revealed through SEM - Honors Projects: Grace Hansen and Meghan Salsinha
A CLSM and SEM study of Kelicottia (Rotifera) - Senior Research: David Tenore
Phylum Gastrotricha
Cryptic speciation and the evolution of asexuality in Gastrotricha - PhD Dissertation: Dr. Sarah Atherton
Evolution and phylogeny of Xenotrichulidae - PhD Dissertation: Dr. Thiago Q. Araujo (visiting student from Brazil)
Phylum Tardigrada
Comparative myoanatomy of the Tardigrada and the description of a new tardigrade from the southeastern United States - MS Thesis: Vladimir Gross (now Dr. Gross)
Phylum Mollusca
An anatomical and histological analysis of Alloteuthis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) morphology - Honors Thesis: Meghan Burke
Phylum Arthropoda
An elemental characterization of the tick exoskeleton (Arachnida: Acari: Ixodida): examples from the deer tick, American dog tick, and Lone Star tick - MS Thesis: Jessica Cote
Elemental characterization of the whipspider cuticle (Arachnida: Amblypygi) - MS Thesis: Dragoslav Radoslavjevic
A study of the histological structure and function of vinegaroon pygidial glands (Arachnida: Thelyphonida) - MS Thesis: John Freeman
Elemental enrichment of the arachnid cuticle: examples from Pseudoscorpiones and Thelyphonida (Arachnida) - MS Thesis: James Gallant
3-D reconstruction of the myoanatomy of Ctenochelicaris armata (Crustacea: Mystacocarrida) - Senior Project: Laura Igoe
An elemental analysis of the proboscis of vector mosquitoes (Insecta: Diptera: Culicinae) - MS Projects: Michaela Burns and Vickram Manoharam
Studies of the arachnid exoskeleton under fluorescence - Honors Projects: Sophia Cheung and Madeline Shenouda